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April 11, 2011

This is the final submitted portfolio for this module. It includes the final prototypes of all 5 assignments and their corresponding developmental process in brief detail.

Now hit the “Read more..” link below to view my portfolio.

You may also use the links on the right to navigate through my blog to view the details of the developmental processes and final prototypes I’ve done.

(Note: Scrolling down this main page of the blog only gives you a brief overview of each blog post. Remember to hit the jump to Read more…
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FP – 9. Final Prototype

April 10, 2011

After many days of sleepless nights and hard work from all of us, here are the pages of our final prototype! Read more…

FP – 8. Group Reflections

April 10, 2011

Problems Encountered

One major problem that we faced was the short time frame that we had to produce the comic. Due to the limited time, we knew that we would not be able to finish in time if we were to fully colour the panels. After seeking advice, we were relieved to know that it is not required for the comic to be in full colour. However, it would be too plain if we were to leave it in greyscale. Therefore, we decided to Read more…

FP – 7. Interactivity

April 10, 2011

Initially, our group decided to use Flash to animate the transitions in such a way that each frame of the Flash shows a cropped view of the comic page. The reader is allowed to see the current comic panel he is reading, and also a little bit of the next panel (and in some cases, the surrounding panels). We wanted this effect as it allows the reader to focus on the panel he is reading, entices him to carry on reading by showing part of the next panel. Here are some sample screenshots of how the final Flash output might look like on a page with four panels: Read more…

FP – 6. Colour Exploration

April 10, 2011

Due to time constraints, we did not feel that we would be able to complete over thirty panels in full colour within the tight deadline of the project. Thus, we opted to use monochrome shading for our panels. This has the added advantage of allowing us to fully utilise the mood effects of colour to enhance storytelling.

The colours we explored for this purpose (applied to a sample panel) are as follows: Read more…

FP – 5. Grid and Layout

April 10, 2011

For the layout, we used variable panel sizes, as typical in a comic. Smaller panels generally depict trivial scenes with extra information to drive the story forward, while larger (half or full page) panels are used for more important scenes. We also planned the panels across the pages for optimal story flow.

With regard to the outer borders around the panels, several issues arose. One was regarding the colour of the borders. We considered both black and white: Read more…

FP – 4. Font and Typography

April 10, 2011

We tried a few fonts on a word editor (MS Word), but it was hard for us to see if it suits our comic when it was actually used.

So we tried it out on one of our completed panels to see how it looked like in the actual comic. Read more…

FP – 3. Storyboard

April 10, 2011

As mentioned in the earlier post, our story is set in the year 2208.
Coincidentally, exactly 197 years after the submission of our final project (4th April 2011, Monday), 4th of April 2208 falls on a Monday too, and this is when our story takes place.

The protagonist is an unnamed school boy aged 14.

The rough storyboard sketches for our project are as follows: Read more…

FP – 2. Concept and Design

April 10, 2011

Just for fun, we decided to set our futuristic story in the year 2208 (the module code!). The premise would be a school field trip to a GM food factory, where the main character separates from the class and the main events of the story unfold.

For the character design, we considered both a girl and a boy for the main character: Read more…

FP – 1. Brainstorming and Selection of Ideas

April 10, 2011

Based on the theme of Food, our team came up with the following ideas for our final project:

1. Junk Food (Storybook)
– Main character likes to eat junk food
– Gets obese and falls sick
– Learns to eat healthy

2. Food Wastage (Storybook)
– Main character has the habit of wasting food
– Enters into a dreamland where food comes alive
– Learns that the growth process of food is arduous

3. Food Pyramid (Comic)
– Main character day dreams during health education class
– Enters into a dreamland, where he/she explores a (food) pyramid
– Learns about the components of the food pyramid and the importance of a balanced diet through his adventure

4. Genetically Modified (GM) Food (Comic – science and technology of food)
– Main character visits a GM food factory and wanders into the restricted areas
– Discovered the ugly truth of GM food production
– Due to an accident which befell the main character, this truth is eventually exposed to the public Read more…

A 5 – Infographic

March 20, 2011


Climate Change

Create ONE Infographic to illustrate an article on the topic of climate change. The theme ‘Climate Change’ could refer to causes and consequences of global warming, deforestation etc, and/or how do we help to improve the situation. Read more…

A 4 – Colour Coalition

March 20, 2011

Colour Coalition

Design ONE postcard (both front and back) to promote, or create awareness of a travel theme. The theme can be international, regional or local.=

Initial Ideas

Since the theme is on traveling, and we are discouraged to design postcards that are “touristy” and typical, I’ve decided to base my design on the process of physical traveling itself.

My inspiration comes from one of my recent experiences, that is, taking a train from Singapore to Johor, Malaysia with my family. Since it was my first experience traveling to Malaysia by train (instead of driving or taking a bus to Malaysia like more Singaporeans do), I really enjoyed the train ride itself. Thus, I wanted to have the “train” element included in my design. While doing up rough sketches of the postcard, I was thinking about what can I draw to represent a train? At this point, I thought of how an airplane can be clearly represented by its distinctive small rounded window, and wished i could do the same for the train.

“Why not include the plane window into the design as well?” I thought. And I could add in another mode of transport that represents air, land, and sea travel!

So, this brings me to my final design for my postcard: Read more…

Ex E

March 20, 2011

Talking forms

Use basic elements (dot, line, shape…) to create 2 abstract / semi-abstract images conveying meaning of these words (1 image per word)

2 Chosen words:

A 3 – Photo Narrative

March 20, 2011

U C What I C

Create ONE sequence of images comprises between 6‐9 photographs that tells a linear photo narrative. While a single photo may tell part of a story, a photo narrative expands the experience to paint a larger picture.

Initial Ideas:

1. Rubber Duckies
– I was brushing my teeth and washing up in the morning
– rubber duckies come alive and starting filling up the basin with water
– they went in for a swim and got up
– I was stunned

2. Magic Microwave Oven
– Put stuffed toys into the microwave oven (as if it was a normal thing to do)
– Twist: they turned into real, delicious food

3. Early morning
– woke up, feeling sleepy, but had to prepare to go off to work (close up to show sleepy/tired expression, etc)
– washed up and got changed (medium close up on upper half of the body, wearing a suit and tie)
– Twist: (long shot) opening the door, preparing to go out, but was still in shorts (forgot to wear trousers)

4. Inner fear
– couldn’t sleep at night, fear of the “monster in the closet”
– saw a hand coming out of the closet
– raced to reach for the light switch (before “it” gets you/me)
– Twist: it was nothing.

Idea 4 was eventually chosen, due to the fact that the story is set in the middle of the night. It had the potential to make use of interesting ambient and artificial lighting. Read more…

Ex D

February 28, 2011

• Making photo compositions
• Use your phone camera, choose a subject and compose it in various shot sizes and camera angles
• State the purposes of using these techniques and how does it affect your audience who perceive your subject.

The subject chosen is Nagato Yuki Figurine. Read more…

A 2 – Process of Abstraction

February 28, 2011

Less is More

Present a visual statement by creating ONE pictogram that comprises TWO celebrities or politicians (worldwide, living or dead) e.g. Obama vs Mao Ze Dong; Lady Gaga vs Elvis Presley.
A pictogram is an image created by people for the purpose of quick and clear communication without language or words, in order to draw attention to something or somewhere.

I’ve decided to use 2 popular fictional characters featured in the movies, Harry Potter (series) and The Matrix.
The characters are namely Harry Potter and Trinity.
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Ex C

February 14, 2011

Process of Abstraction

The chosen object for abstraction is a laptop.

Below shows a 6-stage simplification of a laptop from a photograph to an iconic image that represents a laptop. Read more…

A 1b – Final Prototype

February 14, 2011

This is the final prototype design based then second full scale rough. Read more…

A 1a – Sketches and Roughs

February 14, 2011

Me, Myself and I

– Create ONE design based on the letters of my name, initial or nick name. Use these letters to interpret myself through manipulation of letters, use of symbols, shapes and colors (i.e. visual form).
– Myself can be described as one or more of my personality, character, outlook, strength, weakness, inner self, like or dislike, hobbies, ambitions and so on.
– A SELF is a very complex concept. However, an effective visual design usually requires a skill to transform complex concept to simple, easy-to-understand visual form.

Brainstorming and sketches

Basically, I sketched some of my interests and hobbies, trying to incorporate my name into the design. Read more…

Ex B

February 14, 2011

Constructive Criticism Model
• Group: 2/3 students
• Choose a design / artwork / picture
• Apply constructive criticism model in evaluating this design / artwork / picture
• Upload your short report on your blog Read more…

Ex A

January 25, 2011

The task is to sketch (design) a machine/device that enhances your creativity 100 times.

Initially, I thought of drawing a wrist-wearable device that would be able to access the nerves of the user, stimulating the wearer’s thoughts to enhance his/her creativity.

However, after much thought, I find that creativity does not only refer to a person thinking differently, but also to look at things from another perspective. Thus, I scraped the idea of a wrist watch and changed my device to a pair of glasses.

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